West Bengal Disaster Management Policy
Need for a Policy
The State of West Bengal (“the State”) is vulnerable to natural calamities like
flood, cyclone, hail storm, thunder squall, drought, landslide, erosion and sometimes
to earthquakes because of its geo-morphological, climatic and seismic conditions.
Floods and Cyclonic storms occur almost every year in different parts of the State
and inflict huge loss of life and property causing untold hardships and trauma in
the lives of the people. These natural disasters strike at the very root of the
economic growth of the state . The Govt. of West Bengal (“GoWB”) recognizes the
need to have a Disaster Management Policy with proactive, comprehensive, and sustained
approach to disaster management to reduce the detrimental effects of disasters on
overall socio-economic development of the state. GoWB believes that Disaster Management
is a holistic approach which is inclusive of all the activities before, during and
after disaster .
The aim of the West Bengal State Disaster Management Policy is to establish necessary
systems, structures, programs, resources, capabilities and guiding principles for
reducing disaster risks and preparing for and responding to disasters and threats
of disasters in the State of West Bengal in order to save lives and property , avoid
disruption of economic activity and damage to environment and to ensure the continuity
and sustainability of development.
- To assess the risks and vulnerabilities associated with various disasters;
- To develop appropriate disaster prevention and mitigation strategies;
- To provide clarity on roles and responsibilities for all stakeholders concerned
with disaster management so that disasters can be managed more effectively.
- To develop and maintain arrangements for accessing resources, equipment, supplies
and funding in preparation for disasters that might occur.
- To ensure that arrangements are in place to mobilize the resources and capability
for relief, rehabilitation, reconstruction and recovery from disasters;
- To create awareness and preparedness and provide advice and training to the agencies
involved in disaster management and to the community;
- To strengthen the capacities of the community and establish and maintain effective
systems for responding to disasters;
- To ensure co-ordination with agencies related to disaster management in other Indian
States and those at the national and international level;
- To ensure relief assistance to the affected without any discrimination of caste,
creed, community or se;.
- To establish and maintain a proactive programme of risk reduction, this programme
being implemented through existing sectoral development programmes and being part
of the overall development process in the state ;
- To develop and implement programmes for risk sharing and risk transfer for all types
of disasters;
- To address gender issues in disaster management with special thrust on empowerment
of women towards long term disaster mitigation;
- To develop disaster management as distinct management discipline and creation of
a systematic and streamlined disaster management cadre.
Download the Detail Policy Here